Creating an API style guide
I was recently asked for my favorite resources and best practices for writing clear and structured API docs.
Read MoreI was recently asked for my favorite resources and best practices for writing clear and structured API docs.
Read MoreIn January last year, I was up for a documentation manager role and I needed to come up with a solution that would serve the needs of writers and developer-contributors.
Read MoreFor the last two years, I’ve made predictions for the year ahead.
Read MoreNext year is the third anniversary of this blog. But this year, after two and a half years of publishing weekly articles, I had to take a break.
Read MoreSome time around 2010, my friend Bruno Florindo made contact with former Timex Computer boss Lout Galie.
Read MoreIn 1983 Teresa Maughan graduated from the University of Reading with a bachelor of science honors degree in Psychology and Zoology.
Read MoreThis week at work we launched a combined user documentation, REST and GraphQL API portal for a new product.
Read MoreThis week I read an article in the national newspaper I subscribe to with the subhead: “carmakers appear to be abandoning the idea of fully self-driving cars.
Read MoreThis is mainly a tech blog, and I normally steer clear of politics.
Read MoreIn the first part of this article, I got as far as “Invader Zim”, which laid the foundations for what came next.
Read MoreI thought a list of animated shows would be a relatively quick article to write.
Read MoreRebecca Bettencourt was drawn to computer programming from the age of 10, when she built her first website and started creating Macintosh bitmap fonts using only a resource editing tool.
Read MoreOn March 28 Andres Freund discovered malicious code in the XZ Utils package that could have compromised the security of around half the servers on the internet.
Read MoreEarlier this month, Zilog announced that it would be discontinuing the Z80 microprocessor after 48 years of production.
Read MoreDouglas Adams’ “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” is best known as a trilogy in five parts (with a sixth by Eoin Colfer).
Read MoreIn a monologue preceding one of his songs, Tom Lehrer once said: “I wonder how many people here tonight remember Hubert Humphry, he used to be a senator.
Read MoreFrom the mid 1600s until the mid 1800s, the Grand Tour was a trip through Europe (featuring Italy) undertaken by wealthy young men from high society.
Read MoreIf you work in IT, it can’t have escaped your notice that there are a lot of musicians around, including enough guitarists to fill a stairway.
Read MoreGraphQL is an API query and manipulation language. Created by Facebook in 2012, it was open-sourced in 2015.
Read MoreAlthough I pretty much have this website how I want it now, I’m still tweaking the CSS and adding features.
Read MoreJeri Ellsworth turns 50 this year. Her first job was building and racing cars, but in 2002 she kicked off the FPGA computer revolution with the C-One.
Read MoreI can confidently predict that I will not still be writing this blog the next time February 29 falls on a Thursday.
Read MoreYou might have read about Dr. Mark E. Dean elsewhere this month.
Read MoreI first heard the name Hedy Lamarr in Mel Brooks’ film “Blazing Saddles”.
Read MoreMy five-year-old iPadPro is the most versatile gadget I own. A few peripherals transform it from a device for consuming content into an incredible productivity tool.
Read MoreYear one of the calendar in Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World” is 1908, the year Henry Ford introduced the Model-T.
Read MoreDeluxe Paint was a bitmap graphics editor created by Dan Silva and published for the then-new Amiga 1000 by Electronic Arts in 1985.
Read MoreThis week, I listened to a podcast where the host opened with a sincere apology and the guest made some interesting points about the current social media landscape.
Read MoreAndrey John “Andy” Remic was a writer, filmmaker and retro computer enthusiast.
Read MoreIt’s been two years since I relaunched my website as a personal portfolio and developer relations blog.
Read MoreThis is my second go at making predictions for the year ahead.
Read MoreLet me start by saying that I don’t have anything against Python.
Read MoreIt’s been nearly two years since I began publishing a weekly article on this blog.
Read MoreMigrating documentation from one software platform to another can be painful.
Read MoreAmong other things, I’m a car bore. But I’ll try to keep that part brief.
Read MoreMerriam-Webster describes community as a unified body of individuals with common interests.
Read MoreOne of my predictions for 2023 was that there would be a lot more talk about Web 3.
Read MoreIt is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single technology in possession of sustained media attention, must be in want of government legislation.
Read MoreMachine translation has come a long way since researchers figured out that it was better to translate phrases than individual words.
Read MoreAfter almost 15 years as a technical writer for software companies, I’m a convert to the docs as code philosophy.
Read MoreI have long been an advocate for localization (even if I am somewhat behind with translating the older content on this site into French).
Read MoreEconomist and former Greece finance minister Yanis Varoufakis has a new book out called “Technofeudalism: What Killed Capitalism”.
Read MoreThis week I presented a talk on CMS, CCMS and related solutions at the TCUK23 technical communications conference in England.
Read MoreFor those of you who don’t work in video games development, Unity is one of the most popular game engines.
Read MoreAs far back as I can remember, I’ve been a writer.
Read MoreWhen I became a developer advocate, one of the first and best pieces of advice I was given was to protect my development time.
Read MoreWhen I started out as a writer I used to use Oxford English.
Read MoreAs a solutions engineer, I’ve spent a lot of time on video calls with customers brainstorming solutions to unique problems.
Read MoreI’ve long been an advocate of localization, which is why it was important for me to make this site multi-lingual.
Read MoreIf you read my recent article on implementing DLLs for the Z80 CPU, you’ll be aware that I’m designing an operating system called SE/OS.
Read MoreLast week, I wrote about the social media platform formerly known as Twitter (TSMPFKAT).
Read MoreAt the end of last year, among my predictions for 2023 was that Twitter would still be around at the end of this year.
Read MoreConverting Markdown to HTML is easy. Just publish it with a static site generator (SSG).
Read MoreIT support staff are the unsung heroes of every organization. According to the Gartner Group, between 20% to 50% of all support calls are for password resets.
Read MoreAnyone who has used the Windows operating system for any length of time has probably encountered the phrase “DLL hell”, even if they haven’t directly experienced it.
Read MoreThere has been a lot of talk in the Irish press this month about the fact that the government doesn’t seem to know how many data centers are present in the country (it’s thought to be around 28).
Read MoreMy blog articles on the lists seem to be very popular, so I decided to write another one.
Read MoreI’ve written about REST APIs before, but up until now I haven’t covered the easiest way to get started interacting with them.
Read MoreThis fall, I will have been using Macs for 30 years.
Read MoreThis week, I finished work on the final beta of the classic BASIC interpreter I’ve been working on for the Chloe 280SE FPGA retro computer project.
Read MoreI’ve written previously about exporting release notes from Jira in XML format.
Read MoreSince 2018, I’ve been using an iPad Pro as my main personal computer (besides my work laptop).
Read MoreI’m a big fan of GitHub Actions. But if you’re working for an enterprise software company, there’s a fair chance you’re using Atlassian’s Bitbucket Cloud (along with Confluence and Jira).
Read MoreOne of the challenges of writing a weekly DevRel blog is trying to make sure as many people as possible who might be interested in it actually get to see it.
Read MorePrint is evolving but, after 66 years, the era of the mass-market printed computer magazine is over.
Read MoreThis Tuesday, April 18 marked 100 years since the opening of “The House that Ruth Built” or, as it was more commonly known, Yankee Stadium.
Read MoreTo date, one of the most widely-read articles I’ve written for this blog was a curated list of podcasts.
Read MoreThis week I’m on a 1,500-mile road trip around France, Benelux and Germany in my 10-year-old Toyota 86.
Read MoreBack in my days as a newspaper reporter, the last paper I worked on was one of the last in the country to run a stop press.
Read MoreI’m a long-term advocate for localization, but this site has been monolingual for over a year now.
Read MoreI’ve been fortunate in life to work for some companies that were genuinely great places to work.
Read MoreMy first article of 2022 was on setting up a free personal website with GitHub, Hugo, Netlify and Forestry.
Read MoreYou’re probably familiar with the social media memes that try to elicit password reminders from you to access your accounts.
Read MoreAs the tech crunch continues, it’s entirely possible that you’re one of the many people who suddenly find themselves looking for a new job.
Read MoreBack in 2019, I had to create a developer portal with no budget.
Read MoreThis week, I had a look at the Document Object Model (DOM) for the first time since graduating from my computer science degree over a decade ago.
Read MoreI’m a huge fan of Markdown. It’s great for wikis and writing content for static sites (most of the content on this site is written using it).
Read MoreYou’re a developer. Have you ever wondered how the software you write gets into the hands of users?
Read MoreI’ve mentioned UTM before. It’s a nice wrapper for QEMU that enables you to create ARM virtual machines and emulate non-ARM machines on macOS.
Read MoreI launched the current version of my website a year ago.
Read MoreI like to think that I have a fairly good track record of predicting the future, although usually in fairly vague terms.
Read MoreIf you’re reading this then, at the time of writing, thus far, through a combination of luck and guile, you have survived the pandemic.
Read MoreAt the beginning of the year, I committed to publishing a weekly article on my DevRel blog.
Read MoreThe original Apple iPod was announced on October 23, 2001. The final model was discontinued on May 10, 2022.
Read MoreAdobe is 40 years old this month. Founders John Warnock and Charles Geschke both previously worked at Xerox PARC, where desktop publishing (DTP) was first developed.
Read MoreIf your documentation has reached the limits of what’s possible in Markdown, and you’d prefer not to fall back to HTML, it’s time to consider authoring in XML.
Read MoreWe love icons. They’re a great way to convey information simply, even if many of them are skeuomorphs from a bygone age.
Read MorePhotoshop is old. Really old. Well, in computer terms anyway. As of writing, it’s currently on version 24.
Read MoreI was recently working with some software that could push a zip archive of content to a Git repository.
Read MoreIt may surprise you that the field of developer relations has been around for nearly 40 years at the time of writing.
Read MoreI’ve written previously about the importance of a style guide for written content.
Read MoreThe hashtag has become ubiquitous. Chris Messina was inspired by the way chat rooms were identified on Internet Relay Chat (IRC) servers, when he first proposed its use in a 2007 tweet.
Read MoreGoogle for images of agility, and you’ll get dog trials. So let’s go with that analogy.
Read MoreREST (representational state transfer) APIs (application programming interfaces) have been around since the turn of the century, when they were defined by Dr.
Read MoreThis week, I’m going to take a brief look at intellectual property as it affects developers.
Read MoreIn August 2021, TikTok increased the maximum length of videos on its platform to three minutes.
Read MoreThe Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) and DocBook are two XML-based authoring frameworks.
Read MoreAs I’ve previously remarked, I missed two things on switching from print journalism to technical writing.
Read MoreWhen I switched from journalism to technical writing, the two things I missed the most were style guides and editors.
Read MoreBack in March 2022, I did a write-up of how to run Xilinx Vivado on an M1 Mac to generate cores for the Artix-7 series of FPGAs (as used on the Mega 65).
Read MoreThis week’s article is the long-promised expansion of the lightning talk I gave at SUGCON 2022 in Budapest.
Read MoreEarlier this year, I gave a lightning talk on API-first. I’ve been planning write an article on it ever since, but first I wanted to lay the groundwork.
Read MoreModern software development is all about automation, continuous integration, continuous delivery and software-defined life cycles.
Read MoreFirst off, the obligatory disclaimer. I was gifted an annual subscription to MasterClass by my employer, and I’m not getting paid to write this.
Read MoreIf you’re a Linux user, or you read my article on Scoop, you’ll be familiar with package managers.
Read MoreIn my last article, I wrote a lot about the development of the firmware for my hobbyist microcomputer project that became the Chloe 280SE.
Read MoreIn this article I’m going to talk about code reuse, reverse engineering and the importance of collaboration.
Read MoreI’ve long been interested in the field known as artificial intelligence (AI).
Read MoreThe history of the evolution of consoles and computers is a tangled web.
Read MoreToday’s article is based on a presentation I gave at a security conference in the 2010s.
Read MoreHaving spent my free time over the past couple of weeks binge-watching all 12 seasons of Tony Bourdain’s award-winning CNN series Parts Unknown (because it’s leaving Netflix in June), I haven’t been doing much extracurricular development.
Read MoreXSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) is a language for transforming XML documents into other documents.
Read is a popular user docs site. It has a Markdown editor, theme builder and Swagger / OpenAPI file import.
Read MoreIf you have even a passing familiarity with Linux, you’re probably aware of the concept of package management.
Read MoreIn this article, I’ll describe a solution to simplify the process of creating release notes in MadCap Flare from a Jira query.
Read MoreI’m a convert to writing docs in Markdown. Most of this website is written using it (displayed with Hugo).
Read MoreThis week, I’m releasing what I hope will be the penultimate beta of SE Basic IV (an open source classic BASIC interpreter).
Read MoreLast time I wrote about localization with Weblate. This week, I’ll show how the SE Basic IV project takes JSON output from Weblate and converts it into binaries that can be used with 8-bit code pages by the interpreter.
Read MoreThis week, I want to give a shout-out to Weblate, a web-based translation tool with Git integration that’s available free to open source projects.
Read MoreAt the end of last week, I attended a conference in Budapest.
Read MoreIn my day job as a developer advocate, and in my volunteer role as community manager for the Chloe 280SE project, I’m sometimes called upon to speak in public.
Read MoreOne of the things I do is design keyboard layouts and legend designs.
Read MoreChanging email provider is simple, right? Wrong. After the week I’ve had, I think there’s an argument that you should be able to transfer your email address to another provider, just like you can with a cell number.
Read MoreI’ve written before about running non-Apple Intel binaries on an M1 Mac.
Read MoreYou’ve probably heard of DevOps. You’re probably aware of the term CI/CD (continuous integration and delivery).
Read MoreSince late 2018, I’ve been developing on Apple Silicon. You can read about it in an earlier article.
Read MoreNext week, I’m going to look at running non-Apple Intel binaries on M1 Macs.
Read MoreIn this three part series, I’ll outline how to create a fully featured dev portal for your Swagger or OpenAPI 3.
Read MoreIn this three part series, I’ll outline how to create a fully featured dev portal for your Swagger or OpenAPI 3.
Read MoreIn this three part series, I’ll outline how to create a fully featured dev portal for your Swagger or OpenAPI 3.
Read MoreThis is my 2018 iPad Pro. It has replaced the Hackintosh workstation I built that I ended up installing Windows 10 on (story for another day) as my main computer outside work hours.
Read MoreBack in May 2021 I started a new career as a developer advocate.
Read MoreAs a writer, Wordle (the latest internet gaming sensation) piqued my curiosity.
Read MoreWhen I started writing this blog in 2022, I didn’t even have a name for it.
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