Yorkshire Pudding

illustrations illustrations illustrations illustrations illustrations illustrations illustrations

Published on 27 December 2024 by Andrew Owen (2 minutes)

If you want to know about Yorkshire, I recommend Bill Bryson’s “Notes from a Small Island”. Although I’m not sure if he mentions Henderson’s Relish (a condiment that the locals consider superior in every way to Worcestershire Sauce), or Yorkshire Tea (which I used to have to distribute when I was working with the HM Bark Endeavour replica). During my time with the ship, we dry docked in Kingston-Upon-Hull and were open to the public for six weeks in Whitby. Some of my memories from that time include:

Traditional Yorkshire pudding recipes include water and beef dripping, but I prefer a thicker batter. If you’re serving with red meat, you can add one to two tablespoons of dripipng to this recipe.

  • 75 g plain flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 100ml whole milk
  • pinch of salt
  • ground black pepper
  • pinch of thyme
  • dash of Henderson’s Relish

Get the oil hot first before you add the batter.