Not the end

Published on 27 June 2024 by Andrew Owen (2 minutes)

Today is the two and a half year anniversary of this blog. That’s one article a week over the last 130 weeks. I always intended to scale back the amount of time I spent on the blog this year. But it’s become apparent that even with the plans I had in place to make life easier for me, this level of output has become unsustainable.

One key reason for starting the blog was that after nearly 15 years as a technical writer, I had moved into a role where writing was no-longer my main function. And I wanted to keep my hand in. But in February this year, I returned to tech writing. And as a result, I’m not doing as much engineering that I can turn into articles.

According to the analytics, daily readership peaked at 23 readers a day last October. But on the other hand, the analytics also indicate that I had over 5,400 readers during the last 12 months. Not bad for a blog with no paid promotion. But not enough to justify the effort involved in keeping up the weekly schedule. Especially taking into account translation and text to speech. So henceforth, articles will be published as and when I have the time and inclination.

I still have around 20 partial articles from the old version of this site that I may or may not finish at some point. I also have another 12 planned installments of the Retro Spotlight series. But the most popular series so far has been the curated lists, so that’s something I may well return to. And I still intend to do my annual look back on the past year and look forward to the year ahead. And I still want to put together a collection of the current set of articles in magazine form as an exercise in page layout and design.

So whether you’ve been here from the start, or you’ve just stumbled on this site, thanks for your time. If you want to be notified when new articles are published, you can subscribe to the RSS feed or follow me on social media @aowendev.